- Prologue: “When he [St. Dominic] was living with us in the flesh, he walked by the Spirit, not only not fulfilling the desires of the flesh, but actually quenching them at the source. He displayed a true spirit of poverty in his clothing, in his food and his behavior. He prayed constantly, was outstandingly compassionate, and used to intercede for his sons with abundant tears, because of the fervor of his zeal for souls”(Blessed Jordan of Saxony).
A few days before the Feast of our dear Father and Founder St. Dominic de Guzman, I was taking coffee at MacDonald (where coffee is free for the elderly - in Macau). I asked myself a question: If I had to preach a homily on our Father Dominic om August 8, what would I say to my Dominican brothers and sisters? Hereafter my simple, joyful and fraternal answer. Nothing new. Just remembering what we all know well!
We are here and there - everywhere - because Dominic lived. He is our Father and Founder. I remember the main altar of the Chapel of the UST Fathers’ Residence (Manila) that was presided by a large Crucifix on the wall, accompanied on his right side by our Lady saying Ecce Mater tua (here is your Mother). and on the left side by Saint Dominic praying before a small carved Crucifix and saying to us “Ëgo vos genui”: I gave you birth - in Christ.
Unorthodox etymology of the Dominicans: “Domini cani”, that is, the Lord’s dogs. Orthodox origin: “Dominic’s,” that is, we belong to Dominic, our Father and Founder. A Dominican is a man or woman of Dominic! The painter Matisse made a few drawings of Dominic. In them, Dominic has no face (only the siluette). When the great French painter was asked why, he answered: “Every Dominican must place his face over the one of Dominic; he must identify himself with the figure of Dominic,” the apostolic and evangelical man of God.
As children and disciples of Dominic, we are most grateful to him, to the one who spoke only with God or about God: “Never asking for reward, he just talks about the Lord.”
The best way to be grateful is by following the footsteps of the saint from Caleruega (Burgos): following Dominic as our path to follow Jesus, the Way, who is our only Way. Like all saints, St. Dominic points us to Jesús, who called us to follow him by the path of Dominic.
The path, or lane of Dominic in the highway of life, is the path of community life, prayer and study. This tripod takes us to preaching Jesus as the beatitude of God, as God/man. We are sisters and brothers of the Order of Preachers: our OP after our baptismal name is our identity, our ID. That is why community life, prayer and study are the three instruments that direct us to preaching: Laudare, Benedicere et Praedicare (to praise, to bless and to preach). How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, those who herald peace and happiness, who proclaim salvation….
Our preaching is directed to the salvation of people, to the humanization and divinization of men, women and children. Our authentic preaching is not only verbal or oral, but total and real: truth lived: Veritas in misericordia (truth in mercy). Dominic is “Doctor Veritatis” (doctor of truth). Our life is the first and most affective and effective means, the best sermon of our preaching.
What are the main obstacles to an authentic Dominican preaching today? I modestly submit: individualism and a comfortable life. Self-centered individualism is the fat ego, the enemy of Christian life, of community life. “Ecce quam bonum et quam iucundum habitare fratres in unum” (How very good and pleasant it is when brethren live together in unity). A very comfortable life. moreover, is the enemy of a simple lifestyle, of our vow of poverty, which our Father Dominic treasured and lived. As we all know well, Dominic “preacher of grace,” founded a mendicant Order. A very comfortable life makes hard - if not impossible - our obligation to witness compassion in words and deeds, to become saints. Our preaching ought to be “a compassionate - passionate - preaching.”
We are sinners. We need to pray: I strongly believe that prayer is the most important and necessary element of our Dominican life: it permeates community life and study. In my own life, I can truly say that prayer lifted me up when I was down; when my friends and classmates were leaving. Why did I not leave the Order? Only God knows; but my conviction is that prayer saved me: especially, the prayers of Mother Mary (Mother of Preachers). my mother and other friendly souls. I learned in my town (the noble El Oso), as am adolescent, the words of Saint Teresa of Avila: “Never leave prayer. There is always remedy for those who pray.” Indeed, Contemplari et contemplata aliis trader (to contemplate and to give to others the fruits of contemplation). Dominic was contemplative-active, prayerful and compassionate - after Jesus. In Dominic’s life, communitarian and private prayer fertilize each other.
Miguel de Unamuno said that Christ did not write any book, but gave us the best book: palabras vivas (living words). And so did our Father Dominic.
Dear father Dominic, pray for us. Imple Pater quod dixisti, nos tuis juvans praecibus! (Fulfill, Father, what you told us: that you will help us from heaven with your prayers).
- Epilogue:Humbert of Romans recounts Saint Dominic’s dies natalis in Bologna (August 6, 1221) with these words: He said to them [to the brothers who were around his bed, when he was dying]: “Here, dearest brethren, is what I bequeath to you as sons, as to your rightful inheritance: Have charity, keep hold of humility, possess voluntary poverty.” (FGB)