On June 21, 2024, thirteen (13) student brothers renewed their simple profession as Dominicans for one more year. Of the thirteen (13), six (6) are from Myanmar, six (6) from East Timor, and one (1) from Korea. They have just ended their third, fourth or fifth year of their philosophical/theological institutional studies at the Catholic University of Saint Joseph (USJ).
The ceremony for the Renewal of their Simple Profession was held at the Chapel of St. Dominic Priory during the morning Community Mass. Fr. Javier Gonzalez, the Prior, with the assistance of Fr. Paul Fan, Master of Students, received their individual renewal for one more year.
Warm and fraternal Congratulations to the brothers who made their renewal of the simple profession. And thanks be to God for gracing us with these promising missionaries for his Kingdom.
Indeed, it was a joyful and hopeful celebration witnessed by the other members of our community.