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Spain: Inauguration of the Exhibition "At the table with Saint Dominic" in the Royal Monastery of S. Tomás

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The Dominican Friars of the Vicariate of the Province of Rosario in Spain, on the occasion of the VIII Centenary of the death of Saint Dominic de Guzman, inaugurated the exhibition "At the table with Saint Dominic", on Friday, July 9,  in the Royal Monastery of Santo Tomás at 8:00 p.m.

Br. Emiliano Pérez Peña. O.P, Subprior of the Royal Monastery of Santo Tomás welcomed all attendees. The Exhibition Commissioner was under the direction of Mrs. Remedios Gordo Hernández. Br. Pedro Juan Alonso Merino. O.P made a reflection on the life of Saint Dominic. In addition, the attendees enjoyed the musical intervention of Mrs. Adela Delgado Ortega

Congratulations to the friars of the Vicariate in Spain.