Between ordinations, professions and celebrations a new novitiate begins. It is the novitiate of two Venezuelans Brothers, Felipe and Cristian.
With the special permission granted by Fray Gerard Timoner, Master of the Order of Preachers, Felipe and Cristian began their novitiate on July 1, 2021, at the House of Saint Joseph, Hong Kong, SAR, under the direction of Fray Fernando Muñoz, OP., who will act as novice master, until they can return to Venezuela and finish this initial stage of Dominican formation there.
After five days of spiritual retreat, the postulants were already prepared and ready to begin their journey, following on the footsteps of our Father Domingo. The ‘Clothing with the Habit’ or ‘Vestiton” took place during the morning Mass, presided over by the Prior Provincial, Fray Bonifacio García Solís.
Let us pray that God, the origin and source of all vocations, grant Fray Fernando the wisdom and diligence necessary to guide Felipe and Cristian. Let us also pray that these new novices may successfully complete their novitiate, make their first simple profession, and persevere in religious life.
The beginning of a novitiate is a remainder of ours, and with it the obligation to give thanks to God, our Redeemer, for having shown us his will, calling us to vocation and entrusting to us the mission of preaching salvation by presenting the Gospel to those whom hear our preaching or witness the quality of our religious life.
By Bro. Reynaldo Chang, OP.