The diaconal ordination of Fr. Paul Win Aung Myint, OP was celebrated in the Church of the Most Holy Trinity on February 10 in Rome. the consecrated prayer was saying by Bishop Protase Ruganbwa, Secretary of the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith.
The celebration was organized by the friars of the Convent. Some of the guests priests arrived from Myanmar. One of them was the Rector of the Seminary where the new deacon studied before entering the Province. Some of the clergy and religious of Myanmar residing in Rome were also present.
Fr. Joaquín Li Jinhui celebrated this celebration. The music and the choir were well prepared. Among the choirs, the Sisters of the Convent of Val Canutta, of the HH. Missionaries of Santo Domingo. who worked hard rehearsed to achieve beautiful songs.
Bishop Protase Ruganbwa conducted a simple and deep homily. At the same time, Fr. Felipe Triguero, OP. Prior of the convent, expresses his gratitude to all for their service and fraternity. The celebration concluded with chinesse food.
We congratulate our brother Paul, and we pray for him fulfil the service in these months of diaconate!
By Fr. Miguel Ángel Sanroma, OP