The Dominican Family of Taiwan has the custom to meet every two years to celebrate the Feast of St. Domingo. Although, it has been postponed to celebrate together in 2021 in greater solemnity in the anniversary of the death of our father.
Each branch of the Dominican Family celebrates the Solemnity of Saint Domingo every two years in a particular way. And we, friars, had not had the opportunity to celebrate it together for multiple reasons, the principal reason is the absence of several brothers in August since it is the month of vacation and they can go to their countries and visit their families. For that reason, it is not usual to plan anything for that date or expecting the participation of all members of the community.
This year had the opportunity to celebrate the Feast as “Mission in Taiwan” all together on August 8th, 2020. It was certainly a simple celebration but meaningful.
We celebrated the Eucharist together and had a very special fraternal agape in which we enjoyed a time of fraternity. We also took the opportunity to take a photo of the entire community, it is something that had not been done in almost 10 years because almost always, for one reason or another, a brother was missing.
We trust that next all the members of the Dominican Family of Taiwan will be able to celebrate together the solemnity of our father Dominic de Guzmán. We also hope that the private celebration by our “Mission” planned for every two years can become a reality.
Father Saint Dominic bless us all and encourage our apostolate.
Your brother in Saint Dominic.
Fr. Juan José González Veneros O.P.
Vicar of the Provincial