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Hong Kong: Renewal Of Vows And Conferment Of The Ministries Of Lectorate And Acolyte.

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We congratulate our brothers Andrew, Jude and Bernard who generously renewed their religious profession in the presence of the San Alberto community on July 22, 2020. At the same time, the community had the privilege of witnessing the conferment ceremony of the ministry of readers to Andrew, Jude, Bernard, Louis and Bonaventure. And the ministry of Acolytes to Bonaventure and Jude.


Fr. Bonifacio Solís, OP., Prior Provincial, presided over the liturgical ceremonies and encouraged the brothers to different things: First, to live a holy life and allow themselves to be transformed by the Word of God. Second, to remember the importance to understand that suffering is inseparable from the mystery of Jesus' fidelity to the Father's will, because, the charity among the brothers in the community is an indication of deep and intimate union with the mystical Body of Christ. Then, he invited them to offer a generous, sincere, and genuine service, not only with words but with actions that demonstrate the generosity from the bottom of their hearts and minds. That kind of service is the one which defines men who are deeply in love with the mission and vocation they choose to take on. Finally, the provincial addresses each one of them and reminds them that "in this mission, each one becomes more involved by receiving the Ministries of Lectorate and Acolyte."


 May the Lord have the good work in you, bring it to completion!