Dear Brothers,
Greetings and Happy Feast Day. We commemorate the Patroness of the Province. We pray that she continues protecting, guiding, inspiring and assisting all the members of the Province of Our Lady of the Rosary as she has blessed the Province and the Brothers through the centuries of our existence. On the cross-road of our history, we are most in need of her motherly guidance and intercession so that we may faithfully and joyfully discern the path that we must follow in order to respond to the design and will of God.
On this day we remember in particular the brothers in formation, the sick members of the Province and the three Brothers who will be ordained on October 12 in Mandalay, Myanmar: Bro. Paul to the priesthood; and brothers Peter and Abraham to the diaconate.
May the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Rosary bless and protect all!
Fr. Bonifacio Garcia Solis, OP
Prior Provincial