The morning celebration of the Eucharist was presided by Fr. Javier Castellano, OP., Son of the Province of Colombia, and the choir led by Fr. Orlando Rueda., OP, and a group of Dominican fathers who sang, among other songs, "Panes en San Sixto" by Father Rueda.
The capitulars continued working in the commissions. At 5:00 pm. there was a general assembly about the institutions under the jurisdiction of the Master of the Order. These institutions were the Angelicum in Rome, the Biblical School of Jerusalem and the University of Freiburg. The representatives of these institutions raised several questions about the interrelation between the three institutions and the need for teachers in them, Also the talk about the economic resources and their needs, and finally, the scholarships offered by these institutions, especially for the Provinces that can send friars willing to study there, and help as teachers.
At sunset, all attendees enjoyed a musical gala with native instruments. Musicians were a group of converts to Catholicism who evangelize through music.
Fr. Felicísimo Martínez, OP., was appointed by the Master of the Order as president of the commission of four capitulars to write the introduction of the Acts. As well, Fr. Miguel Ángel del Río, OP., son of the Province of Hispania, was appointed as Vicar of the Master of the Order.
These are the relevant events of July 17, 2018.