A lay group composed of eighteen members, led by Professor Jenny Lao Phillips, paid a friendly visit to the St. Dominic’s Priory of Macao on the 1stof December, 2018 from 3:00 to 5:00 pm. They are members of the Macau Catholic Lay Association. With their spiritual growth in mind, the main objective of this visit was for them to know more about the presence and life of the Dominicans in Macau. In fact, it was the first time for this Association to officially visit our community since its foundation in 2006.
The encounter started with Ms. Jenny’s introduction of the group members to the Dominican community. After that, Fr. José Luis de Miguel, the Prior of the community, gave them a warm welcome to St Dominic’s Priory. Since most of the group were Cantonese speaking, Ms Jenny had to translate the message into their native language. Then there was an opening prayer in Cantonese led by Fr. Lawrence The Reh. One of the brothers, Deacon Francis Nge Nge, acting as MC of the meeting, introduced the rundown of the program.
The most solid number of it was Fr Fausto Gomez’ short talk on the presence and life of the Dominicans in Macao. He focused on who the Dominicans are, what they are doing here in Macau, where they did come from and where they are heading to. He mentioned also the history of this Priory and of the studentate and the life of the friars. He concluded by remarking also the presence of the Dominican Family in Macau: Friars, Sisters and Lay members.
As ‘intermission’ number the brothers sang “O Sanctissima”, a traditional Latin hymn addressed to Mother Mary. A brief sharing by four student brothers, representative from different countries, followed up the singing. There was also a short time for open forum, with questions and answers on both sides. Then, some refreshments, courtesy of the Association, were friendly shared with all the participants while engaging in joyful and informal conversation.
The encounter was ended by gathering up together in the chapel of the Priory for the singing of “Salve Regina’’ and final blessing. A group picture and the distribution of some souvenirs rounded off this pleasant and fruitful visit.
By Bro. Andre Pereira, OP and Bro. Stephen Lej Kapaw, OP.