The Marabino clergy shared several testimonies that show the deep imprint left by this Dominican missionary religious in our Zulian land, in the heart of the priests. We share here some of his impressions at the news of his sensitive departure to the house of the eternal Father:
Father Andry Sánchez: - "To the great and tremendous Padre Pino, may God have him in his glory and give him the crown of eternal life because of his pastoral merits and efforts, I remember him for many years at the Liceo Arq. Juan Hilario Bosset and builder of the chapel of Jesus of Good Hope, from the mud the Silence."
Father Eleuterio Cuevas: - "A great evangelizer, preacher and educator of the South zone, today San Francisco Municipality. He was also the founder of the Lyceum San Martín de Porres and Santo Tomás de Aquino, and I greatly support the Parish of the Charity of Copper when the They had the Dominican parents. "
Father Eduardo Ortigoza: - "May the Lord grant him to participate in the eternal banquet in the kingdom of heaven." He knew how to love this Church to give everything for her in the educational service from the Liceo Juan Hilario and from the pastoral of communities in the Church Jesus of Good Hope, infinite thanks to the Dominican Fathers for this brother who became a maracucho."
Father Evelio Pérez: - "My God, may God bless you, Father Pino ... Heaven take you to Los Angeles, thank you for all your friends ..."
Father Andrés Bravo: - "My well remembered Father Pino, fellow student of philosophy in LUZ My admired Pine who treated me with a special affection My tribute as a person, Christian, religious and priest I offer my prayers."
Father Raul Raimond Montoya: - "A Feast in Heaven, when you know the sincere testimony of Father Pine on Earth.The South is always grateful, especially the Archdiocesan Lyceum Monsignor Juan Hilario Bosset and the Rectory of Jesus of Good Hope. "
Father Yenifer Polo: - "God grant eternal rest to his soul and reward so much good that he did in our neighborhoods, I am originally from the rectory Jesus of good hope and I bear witness to the hard work of the father. who accompanied, scolded and, above all, advised. "
Father Carlos Quiva: - "A man of God, and an Apostle in these southern lands, who from the Liceo Arch. Juan Hilario Bosset and the Rectory of Jesus of Good Hope became one with the People of God, forming and evangelizing generations, They remember him with great affection and gratitude, and are remembered daily by the parishioners of Jesus of Good Hope.Tomorrow Sunday at 10:00 am we will celebrate the Holy Mass for the eternal rest of Father Pino, in the Rectoría Jesus de la Buena Esperanza. Cordially invited. "
Mons José Luis Azuaje Ayala: - "Through the testimony that you give, I join in prayer to the Risen One for our brother who has left to the Father's house." God bless all that he encouraged with his words and deeds from the faith. in peace, P. Pino. "
Bishop Ubaldo Santana: - "Father Martín Pino has left for the Father's house, to be received with joy in the great family of heaven." Father Pino is a referential priest of our Archdiocesan Church and a model of living the priesthood and to serve the people of God, his death comes to me to bless the Lord for the presence, witness and evangelizing work of the Order of Preachers in the south of our local Church.
Thank you, Father Pino, for your great love for our people with whom you identified yourself to such a point of living as a great sacrifice to be sent to the mother country. "Courtesy of the Archdiocese of Maracaibo, Venezuela.Courtesy of the Archdiocese of Maracaibo, Venezuela.
Rest in peace Fr. Martín Arroyo PINO, OP
Holy Rosary Province
Our Fr. Martin Arroyo Pino, OP, died at the Hospital de Moncloa, Madrid on August 25, the funeral will take place in our Parish of Santo Tomás de Ávila at 5:30 pm. August 6th.
We share with you some words of the Clergy of the city of Maracaibo, Zulia state, in Venezuela:
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