The Dominican Friars of the Province of Our Lady of the Rosary in the Vicariate of Japan, celebrated a Thanksgiving Eucharist to honor the transfer of the parish of Hakozaki (Fukuoka) north of the island of Kyushiu in Japan and to express our gratitude to the Province and Vicariate of Canada, on July 8, though the official legal documents of transfer had been signed on May 11.
The Solemn Eucharist was presided by the Bishop of Fukuoka, Mgr. Domingo Ryōji Miyahara on Sunday, July 8 at 10:00 am. Though in a number of places in Japan there were storms, heavy rains, floods and landslides, which did not permit more friars and faithful to join the celebration, the weather was good.
Father Bonifacio G. Solis, OP, Prior Provincial of the Province of Our Lady of the Rosary, together with Fr. Michel Giard OP, the former parish priest of the Province of Canada, Fr Mariano González OP (vicar), Father Alberto Sáiz OP (prior of Matsuyama), Fr. Antonio Lee OP (current parish priest) and Fr. Pedro Thoai OP, assigned in Fukuoka, were present at this celebration.
During the Mass, a very special offering was arranged to symbolize the transfer of the parish to our province. A statuette of the Blessed Virgin Mary, symbolizing the Church of Hakozaki was transferred from person to person along the isle of the Church as passages do the history of the parish were read. A young girl was the last in the line and she handed over the image to Fr. Michel Giard OP, and this to our Provincial. Fr. Solís presented the image to the Bishop who blessed it and finally the image was place over a small table in front of the altar.
A fraternal agape was held at the end of the Eucharist giving a chance to the Bishop and the friars to interact with the faithful.
Our Province will continue to administer the parish and strengthen the mission of preaching ad gentes in Fukuoka.